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Debt Free Way

Debt Free Way

Try the Debt Free way

Are you struggling with debt problems and you don’t know what to do? Try the Debt Free Way

Debt Free has been operating in Australia since 2006 and is owned & managed by a government registered Trustee in Bankruptcy. With experience providing personal insolvency services since 2004, we have developed a way for you to get out of debt cheaply, easily and free of stress. That’s the Debt Free way.

As qualified and registered insolvency experts, our philosophy is to always provide the highest level of professionalism and impartiality in our advice. All of our debt consultants have been personally trained by our CEO who is fully licensed and qualified to provide all personal insolvency solutions (including Debt Agreements, Bankruptcy and Personal Insolvency Agreements).


CALL US ON |1800 462 767

The Way We Do Business Is By:


Providing A Toll Free Line So You Can Call Us Free Of Charge Any Day Of The Week. Our Phones Are Answered By Highly Trained Debt Consultants. The Initial Enquiry Can Be Anonymous If You Want To Keep Your Personal Details Confidential.


Offering An Obligation Free Debt Assessment Using Our Unique And State Of The Art Computer Software Which Will Always Find The Best Solution To Suit Your Circumstances.


Not Charging Any Fees For Our Services Until We Have Found An Appropriate Debt Solution For You. If You Are Not Comfortable With The Solution Offered You Will Not Be Under Any Obligation To Proceed With Our Services.

The Benefit Of Choosing The Debt Free Way Is That You Can Relax Knowing That Your Case Is Being Handled By A Qualified Insolvency Expert Who Won’t Be Biased Towards Any Particular Solution.

phoneCall Us Today On 1800 462 767 And Let Us Help You Free Yourself From Debt.

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  • 1. Income
  • 2. Expenses
  • 3. Assets

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