You’re struggling with repaying your debts. You’re unsure about what your options are. You’re after affordable and professional assistance to manage your outstanding debt levels.
Debt Free Australia (DFA) is here to help, and what’s more – we’ll do it for free!
At DFA we offer a free and unique debt assessment to give you a better understanding of the level of debt you are facing. Furthermore, by using state of the art computer software, DFA’s free service delivers a customised assessment to evaluate the most appropriate solutions to suit your circumstances.
After years of refinement and close work with DFA’steam of debt specialists, our software has developed into a credible and accurate debt assessment system in accordance with DFA’shigh service standards. After providing details regarding your current financial situation, including personal debt details, the value of any existing property or leased assets, and your income and expenses, our free debt assessment tool will analyse your submitted data to identify the least drastic solution to solve your debt concerns – just like a DFA representative would work directly with you to determine the path of least consequences.
These solutions may include a:

  1. Debt Agreement
  2. Personal Insolvency Agreement
  3. Bankruptcy
  4. Informal Arrangement

With DFA, you can rest assured that all details disclosed during our free debt assessment will remain confidential and can be erased from our database at your request. Whilst participation is obligation-free, DFA understands that professional terminology may a little difficult to understand. That is why after the submission of your debt assessment a DFA representative may be in contact, to offer further free, impartial and expert advice regarding your results and to assist you in making a more informed decision regarding your financial future.
Click here to receive a professional debt assessment without the professional price tag, or if you prefer, contact DFA’s toll-free and 24/7 hotline on 1800 462 767 to personally speak to a professional about your individual situation today.