Going bankrupt does not have to be a daunting or complicated task. If you are considering applying for bankruptcy, Debt Free Australia (DFA) can make the process easier for you.

Before you proceed with the paperwork, though, you need to carefully consider whether going bankrupt is the most appropriate solution for you. DFA offers a free online debt assessment for anyone contemplating bankruptcy, to help determine the best debt solution for their personal situation.

If the assessment concludes that going bankrupt is the best option for you, DFA’s team of expert and licensed insolvency specialists can then provide the right advice and information regarding bankruptcy laws and your legal duties.

Going bankrupt will mean you need to fill and lodge bankruptcy forms, including a Statement of Affairs and a Debtor’s Petition. DFA can make this task simpler for you with our form completion and lodgment service.

Call our personal debt advisors today on 1800 462 767 for professional, impartial advice. All calls are confidential and can remain anonymous if you wish.