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What Is A Personal Insolvency Agreement?

What Is A Personal Insolvency Agreement? A Personal Insolvency Agreement (PIA) is a legally binding payment arrangement you can reach with your creditors if you can no longer afford to repay the full debt. Also known as a Part 10, a PIA can be a flexible way to get relief from your debts without being made bankrupt. You qualify for ...

Tips for avoiding bankruptcy

Here at Debt Free Australia we always try to find the least severe financial solution before we consider bankruptcy. With that philosophy in mind, we offer a free financial assessment to explore possible alternatives before committing to Bankruptcy. Whilst filing for bankruptcy is a quick and easy way to get out of debt, it may have adverse consequences, please click ...

Life After Bankruptcy in Australia – Your emotional, physical and financial wellbeing

Life After Bankruptcy in Australia  - Your emotional, physical and financial wellbeing Here at Debt Free Australia, we are often asked about whether or not there is a ‘life’ after bankruptcy. For many people, the emotional, financial, and physical stress of personal insolvency can sometimes make it seem like there is no end to it. However, bankruptcy can give you ...

What if a Bankrupt Doesn’t Abide By Their Travel Conditions?

During the holiday season, many people travel overseas to visit their family and loved ones. However, if you are a bankrupt, there are certain conditions that you must adhere to. You will need to apply to your bankruptcy trustee and obtain permission before you travel. Your trustee in bankruptcy may impose some travel conditions. The most common one is that ...

3 tips to help you manage your debt this holiday season

3 tips to help you manage your debt this holiday season It’s that magical time of the year again, where many of us look forward to celebrating the holiday season. However, there is no denying that it can be expensive. If you don’t plan your spendings properly, you may end up in more debt after the festivities end. Here are ...

New Debt Agreement Law Reform 2019

The Bankruptcy Amendment (Debt Agreement Reform) Bill 2018 commenced on 27 June 2019. This debt agreement law reform aims to enhance accessibility so that the debt agreement system is a fairer system for both debtors and creditors. It also aims to protect the financially vulnerable from potentially being exploited. There are various features of debt agreements that will be changed, ...

Consequences of Bankruptcy in Australia

Here at Debt Free Australia we always try to find the least severe financial solution before we consider bankruptcy. With that philosophy in mind we offer a free financial assessment to explore possible alternatives before committing to Bankruptcy. However, if you wish to file for bankruptcy, we see it as our role to firstly educate you about the consequences. There ...

Advice from our in-house Bankruptcy Trustee, Anthony Warner

Here at Debt Free Australia, we offer a variety of debt solutions tailored to your needs. If you wish to file for bankruptcy, we see it as our role to firstly educate you about bankruptcy. So, what would an experienced Bankruptcy Trustee suggest to Australians who want to become debt free? Here are three pieces of advice our in house ...


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