Many people who are struggling with finances do not even know that help is available, let alone where to look. There are actually numerous resources available for people who need help with their finances, and the most appropriate would depend on what sort of assistance you need. If your concerns are to do with, say, business finances, investments, or retirement planning, you would be looking for the services of a financial planner or advisor. Most often, though, people in need of financial assistance are struggling with personal debts and bills.
One of the first places you can look for financial counselling is within community organisations such as Anglicare and the Salvation Army (to name some of the more well-known). A list of various organisations that can be contacted in each state and territory can be found here on the Australian Financial Security Authority’s (AFSA) website. These services are usually free of charge and designed for those who cannot afford to pay, and can range from help organising simple household budgets to third party negotiations with your creditors for repayment/hardship arrangements.
There are also professional budgeting services available for those who have the income available to pay their bills, but simply need some help with planning and making their payments. A simple google search using the term “budgeting service” will yield a number of companies that may be able to help in this regard.
AFSA themselves are also a good resource for advice and information, although being primarily concerned with aspects of insolvency, you may find that they are of more use when you yourself are insolvent. They can be contacted on 1300 364 785 for general information about such arrangements as Debt Agreements, Personal Insolvency Agreements, and Bankruptcy.
If you are looking for advice and assistance with any type of financial dilemma, call one of our consultants on 1800 462 767. Here at Debt Free Australia we are committed to helping indebted Australians find a solution to their financial difficulties. Our highly trained staff will be able to help you to determine what sort of assistance you need and, if it is not something that we can help you with ourselves, who would be the best organisation to refer you to. Call us today on 1800 462 767 for free and impartial financial relief advice.