If you’ve ever experienced overwhelming debt, you know firsthand how difficult it is to see through to the other side. Your finances consume your thoughts and your down-time is spent worrying. You feel trapped by your debt, and more often than not you are always thinking about the worst-case scenario.

When you seek the help of an impartial, experienced professional at Debt Free Australia, you will receive a financial assessment specific to your situation. Our debt advisors will consider all of the options available to you and explain in detail how each is likely to affect you, covering both the good and the bad. Our professionals will open your eyes to a world of possibilities that you have likely not considered.

Debt Free Australia (DFA), a team of experienced, licensed debt advisors, offers 24 hour financial advice that is completely free and confidential. What many who are struggling with debt fail to think about, DFA takes into consideration. Factors like how affordable a solution really is, how long it will last, how it will affect your credit rating, if it will protect your assets, and many more. By considering all of these aspects, including your own personal needs and wants, DFA is confident that they can provide you with the best possible solution for your financial situation.

Once you have chosen the right debt solution, you won’t be left alone. DFA is fully licensed to offer you services in bankruptcy, Personal Insolvency Agreements and Debt Agreements, allowing them to work with you from beginning to end. By choosing DFA, you receive advice and service in the one place.

If you need further reason to seek professional help, the many testimonials of Australians who were once in your shoes should be encouragement enough. Many of DFA’s clients believed that their only option for managing their debts was to declare bankruptcy. After seeking the advice of an expert, many of these clients were able to resolve their issues by refinancing their loans, or entering into a three- to five-year Debt Agreement or Personal Insolvency Agreement, putting them on track to become debt free. For those who did indeed need to file for bankruptcy, DFA assisted them throughout the process, making it as seamless as possible.

If you are struggling with your finances and feeling the weight of your debts holding you down, seeking a professional’s opinion is in your best interests. DFA will offer you personalised options, making your search for a debt solution as easy as possible for you. If you are unable to imagine a world where you can live debt free, call DFA today at 1800 462 767 for free advice and more information on our services.