If your credit card bill is bloated, your savings are non-existent and you find yourself gasping for air when looking at your debt balances, then it is time to seek help. At Debt Free Australia we care about our clients and hate to see you drowning in personal debt. If you have reached the stage where there is no emerging from the depths of debt, we suggest you contact us immediately.

To help you minimise your debt this financial year, Debt Free Australia share our top tips:

1. Set Financial Goals

ASIC’s senior executive Miles Larbey closed 2014 with an encouraging message to make this year a great year for personal finances. We understand that sometimes setting New Year’s resolutions and financial goals doesn’t always go to plan! However, everyone can benefit from setting financial goals- whether you are in a stable financial situation or genuinely struggling with debt. At Debt Free Australia we encourage the setting of achievable goals to help you get back on track.

2. Cut Personal Debt

The specialists at Debt Free Australia want to help you cut out unnecessary debt. Credit card debts in Australia are often the worst source of personal debt, with some cards having interest rates north of 20 per cent; many personal loans come with rates of more than 10 per cent. This often means that you can’t even pay off one bill before another arrives!Debt Free Australia’s financial specialists will work closely with you to review your household budget, understand your monetary outflows and determine ways to reduce these figures.

3. Mortgage

According to ASIC, Australians are on average more than two years ahead of their mortgage repayments. This means that many Australians are financially able to put their disposable income towards paying off their mortgage faster. If this is you, we encourage you to do so – if you hit a period of financial hardship you may no longer have the financial capacity to meet even the minimum repayments, so pay it off while you can!Whether you are seriously struggling with your personal debt, or simply want to remove the burden of personal debt from your life – you will always benefit by talking to a professional.

Call our toll free hotline on 1800 462 767 and break the shackles of debt forever!