When struggling with personal debt it is often hard to know where to turn to find help in dealing with your situation. Many of our clients are often confused about the role that debt consultants play, which is why Debt Free Australia is here to set things straight.

At Debt Free Australia, our debt consultants are financial professionals who work with individuals to assess their current debt status and create a solution. The goal of our debt consultants is to assist the client in finding ways to effectively manage their current debt and to minimise the impact of their insolvent status.

Debt consultants are trying to enhance your financial security, so we work closely with each of our clients, showing genuine concern towards each individual’s situation and determining which solution will be most beneficial for them. Our debt consultants employ several strategies in order to help their clients meet realistic financial goals. They work with individuals to help them find ways to better manage their liabilities through realistic and measurable solutions, and help to get their credit card spending under control to ease the stress that the burden of debt inevitably brings.

Debt Free Australia specialises in four key areas of formal debt relief:

  • Debt Agreement
  • Personal Insolvency Agreement
  • Bankruptcy
  • Debt Consolidation

At Debt Free Australia, we understand that when dealing with debt problems, there shouldn’t be a ‘one size fits all’ approach. That is why we offer four comprehensive debt solutions to managing your personal debt. Our debt consultants will ensure that the solution is catered to your needs and will have the least possible impact on your financial future.

Don’t wait to get swamped in debt! Call our debt consultants at Debt Free Australia today on 1800 462 767 so we can start managing your debt problems together. Our telephone hotline is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, so that our debt consultants are available whenever it best suits you.